Engaging Clients In Web Development
There’s not a day that has gone by when I did not receive an offer from a website developer who could create a website for my business that would get to the front page of Google. Many of the website builders were from far-away lands and pitched affordably priced services as a deciding factor. I remained confused as ever and still needed a website that would help me compete online that would represent my products and services and help me get found by my ideal clients and customers.
To my surprise, or maybe just good fortune, I was introduced to the website developer who was building the website for the West Boca Chamber of Commerce and his name is Joe Corsino. I wanted to know why the Chamber of Commerce had selected Joe to help guide their business members online.
The first thing I did was have a conversation with Joe about website design and then I looked at his website and the clients whose sites he had built to learn more about what he has done. I found that Joe actually cared about my business and what I do best to serve clients and he understood how to showcase my talents in a unique way that would not be presented like a cookie-cutter template.
Joe took the time to listen to my needs and to engage me in the process of building my website. He created the framework and technical elements I needed and then customized the website development process and content that would appear on my site in a way that matched both my personality and my budget. If I’ve learned anything it’s that there’s no shortcut to understanding and Joe uniquely focuses on one client at-a-time to get the work done. Joe personally interacts and engages with the clients whose site he is building and is thorough and caring and has more than 20+ years working on the Mac platform.
One of the most impressive websites that I reviewed was for Dr. William Leone at the Leone Center for Orthopedic Care at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale. HolyCrossLeoneCenter.com
As a speaker and marketer with clients in many industries, Joe’s engaging with me in creating the right website was what I considered essential for my needs.